УДК 613:167.7:005




DOI: 10.36994/2707-4110-2019-3-24-02


Komar Y., Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Professor of the Department of Production and Non-Production Management, Donetsk State University of Management (Mariupol), komar1@ua.fm; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9425-4719

Dubas R., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, University "Ukraine", Head of the Department of Management, dubasr@ukr.net; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8147-2402

Al-Tmaizi A., PHd in Economics, University "Ukraine"
Head of the Department of Marketing, alina_amira@ukr.net; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8266-2010


Concepts of managing the formation of complete human health based on the creation of models of creative management. Research methods. The study used such research methods as system-logical method, attributive and hierarchical methods, analysis, induction and deduction, comparisons and key components. Research results. To date, scientists have failed to formulate a single theoretical and methodological framework for a comprehensive assessment of basic health, so it is necessary to only partially consider its individual types. Depending on the field of knowledge, there are several types of health: physical, mental, mental, spiritual, moral, social, etc., which together form a healthy health.

The authors justify the need to reduce the complexity of the Conceptual Decimal Model by reducing the number of types of good health. To address this issue, it is taken into account that mental and spiritual health belong to the category of "faith", moral and social - have common features and are characterized by a certain specificity, and sexual health is not fully adequate because it is absent in preschool children and most of the elderly. In its updated form, the concept of managing the formation of full-fledged human health is represented by five components: physical, physiological, financial, mental and occupational health.

Studies have shown that the first level of the hierarchical model of managing the formation of complete human health occupies physical health as a state of physical well-being of the human body, which is characterized by its functional readiness to perform the main activities, including professional. Physiological, financial and mental health are located according to the second, third and fourth levels of the five-element hierarchical model of good health and their functions also consist in ensuring the performance of the person in the conditions of his professional activity. Conclusions. The proposed concept of managing the formation of full-fledged human health is a universal, high-performance, five-element hierarchical management model of physical, physiological, financial, mental and occupational health that has a comprehensive impact and provides effective management of the formation of full health and financial health. Human well-being in any social environment that may be the subject of further scientific research.

Keywords: complete health, management concept, hierarchy, financial well-being, system, model.



Комар Ю.М., доктор наук з державного управління, професор, професор кафедри виробничого і невиробничого менеджменту, Донецький державний університет управління (м.Маріуполь);

Дубас Р.Г., доктор економічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри менеджменту, Університет «Україна»;

Аль-Тмейзі А.Ю., кандидат економічних наук, завідувач кафедри маркетингу, Університет «Україна»


Метою дослідження є наукові засади обґрунтування Концепції управління формуванням повноцінного здоров'я людини на основі створення  моделей творчого управління. Методи дослідження. У дослідженні використовувались такі методи дослідження як системно-логічний метод, атрибутивний та ієрархічний методи, аналізу, індукції та дедукції, порівняння та ключові компоненти. Результати досліджень. На сьогоднішній день вченим не вдалося сформувати єдину теоретико-методологічну базу для комплексної оцінки основних видів здоров'я, тому доводиться лише частково розглядати його окремі види. В залежності від галузі знань виділяють декілька видів здоров'я: фізичне, психічне, душевне, духовне, моральне, соціальне тощо, які в сукупності утворюють повноцінне здоров'я.

Авторами обгрунтована необхідність зменшення ступеня складності Концептуальної десяткової моделі шляхом зменшення кількості видів повноцінного здоров'я.  Для вирішення цього питання  враховано,  що душевне і духовне здоров'я відносяться до категорії «віра», моральне і соціальне - мають спільні риси і характеризуються певною специфікою, а сексуальне здоров'я є не повною мірою  повноцінним, тому що відсутнє у дітей дошкільного віку і у більшості людей похилого віку.  В оновленому виді Концепцію управління формуванням повноцінного здоров'я людини репрезентують п'ять складових: фізичне, фізіологічне, фінансове, психічне і професійне здоров'я.

Дослідженнями встановлено, що перший рівень ієрархічної моделі управління формуванням повноцінного здоров'я людини займає фізичне здоров'я як стан фізичного благополуччя організму людини, який характеризується його функціональною підготовленістю до виконання основних видів діяльності, зокрема професійної. Фізіологічне, фінансове і психічне здоров'я розташовані відповідно на другому, третьому і четвертому рівнях п'ятиелементної ієрархічної моделі повноцінного здоров'я і їх функції також полягають у забезпеченні працездатності людини в умовах її професійної діяльності. Висновки. Запропонована Концепція управління формуванням повноцінного здоров'я людини – це універсальна високоефективна п'ятиелементна управлінська модель ієрархічного типу у складі фізичного, фізіологічного, фінансового, психічного і професійного здоров'я, які мають всеохоплюючий вплив і забезпечують ефективне управління формуванням повноцінного здоров'я і фінансового благополуччя людини в умовах будь-якого суспільного середовища, що може бути предметом подальших наукових досліджень.

Ключові слова: повноцінне здоров'я, концепція управління, ієрархія, фінансове благополуччя, система, модель.


Problem solving in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks. Human health is one of the central problems of the present, therefore, it is in the sight of the researchers of modern medical-biological, socio-economic, pedagogical-legal and many other branches of science, including management. Although there is now a list of about 80 different types of human health in the direction, structure and content of the definitions, it is far from complete.

In accordance with the Charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects" [1]. [Definition of health]. This definition of the category of "health" is the most understandable and relatively complete, because it covers the main aspects of this problem. However, in spite of this, the definition of the concept of "human health" that is unambiguous, acceptable to all is not yet available.

Depending on the field of knowledge, there are several types of health: physical, mental, sexual, spiritual, spiritual, moral, social, etc., which in aggregate form a high-grade health.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Conceptual approaches to the creation of modern models of management of social processes, in particular in health care, are covered in the scientific works of leading domestic and foreign researchers: M.M. Bilynska, J. F. Radish [2], S.M. Vovk [3] , I. Danilenko, K. Kizilova, I. Kuzina [4], V.D. Karamisheva [5], D.V. Lazorishinets, G.O. Slabkoi, N.P. Yarosh [6], Z.M. Mitnyk [7], V.F Moskalenko [8], M.M Shutov [9] and other researchers.

Paying tribute to scientific works, which reflect different approaches to the creation of modern models of creative management of social processes, in particular in health care, it should be noted that while there is no single theoretical and methodological basis for a comprehensive assessment of the main types of health, then only partly consider its individual species.

Scientists have not yet been able to form a unified theoretical and methodological basis for the integrated assessment of the listed types of health, therefore, it is only partly necessary to consider its individual species.

The purpose of the research is the scientific basis for the substantiation of the Concept of the management of the formation of a full-fledged human health based on the creation of models of creative management.

Essay content. Taking into account the complexity and ambiguity of the problem of evaluation of certain types of health, there is a need to develop a Concept for the management of the formation of a full-fledged human health, based on three principles: full value, well-being and hierarchy.

1. The implementation of the first principle of the Concept is related to the category "full system", which consists of two phrases "complete system" - is an exhaustive, limit, quantitative indicator that characterizes the properties of the second component "value system", ie, the importance for the subject the properties of the system for which it exists. A complete system in the general form means full value and its full compliance with existing requirements, completeness, integrity and self-sufficiency of a particular system.

From this, one can make an important theoretical conclusion: any complete system has a comprehensive content and the most possible boundaries of coexistence with other systems, which allows it to fit harmoniously into reality.

It is extremely important that high-quality systems, due to their unique properties, act as an effective criterion for assessing existing and new systems for various fields of human activity: science, education, production, healthcare, etc., which constitute a complete system of life for both an individual and a society. as a whole

With regard to good health, it must be taken into account that the category of "full health" characterizes its quantitative aspect, which, due to its nature, is difficult to quantify. The category of "valuable health" is the second component that allows a qualitative assessment of health, with regard to its value for the person for whom it lives.

As a result of the organic combination of the two highly effective entities "full health" and "valuable health", the third formation of a higher level - "high-grade health" - has been formed, which not only received positive qualities of completeness and value of health, but also absorbed new unique properties of full value, not inherent in its two components. This allows to achieve synergistic effect, because the total result of a full-fledged health exceeds the results of the isolated actions of the effects of its two components, "full health" and "valuable health".

2. The implementation of the second principle of the Concept is related to the category of "well-being", that is, received by man from the parents and the Creator, true happiness, abundance, peace and peace, and ultimately - full health during his earthly life on the planet Earth [10]. [Full value].

3. The implementation of the third principle of the Concept is related to the category "hierarchy" - the corresponding sequential arrangement of certain types of good health in the management structure, from the lower levels to the higher and vice versa [10]. [Definition of the hierarchy].

Taking into account the above, the most complete is the decimal system of full-fledged person's health, which includes ten of its kinds: 1. - physical; 2 - physiological; 3 - financial; 4 - mental; 5 - sexual; 6 – soul’s; 7 - spiritual; 8 - moral; 9 - social; 10 - professional health, some of them are criteria for human health. [Health Criteria]. Characteristics of ten types of human health are given below.

1. Physical health - a state of well-being of the human body, characterized by its ability to adapt to various factors: the place of existence, the level of physical development, physical and functional state of the body to exercise physical activity. Indicators of physical health of the individual are individual features of the anatomical structure of the body, perfect physiological functioning of the organism in different conditions: rest, movement, leisure, genetic heritage. the level of physical development of organs and systems of the organism.

2. Physiological health - a state of physiological well-being of the human body, characterized by the vital functions of the processes of metabolism, energy and information, which are aimed at achieving a beneficial result and adaptation to the conditions of the environment. Indicators of physiological personality health are individual peculiarities of physiological processes and properties of the human body and its ability to withstand the influence of natural climatic and production conditions of the habitat.

3. Financial health - is an economic category that reflects the state of financial well-being of a person as a business entity and its ability to financially self-development. Indicators of financial health of the individual are decent wages, the opportunity to cover their needs, pay for housing, relax and take care of health, financial literacy and focus on financial well-being.

4. Mental health is the state of mental well-being in which a person can realize his or her own potential, cope with normal life stresses, work productively and fruitfully, and also contribute to the life of his community. Indicators of mental health of the individual are individual peculiarities of mental processes and human properties, for example: excitement, emotionality, sensitivity, as well as the presence of the individual's goals, needs, interests, motives, stimuli, attitudes, imaginations, feelings, etc.

5. Sexual health is a state of well-being about sexuality, that is, a complex of somatic, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of a person's sexual life that enriches a person, enhances the communicability of a person and his ability to love. Indicators of sexual health of the individual are a positive and respectful attitude to sexuality and sexual relations, the ability to safely conduct sexual life, which brings pleasure, lack of coercion, discrimination and violence.

6. Soul’s health is the state of well-being, that is, the ability of a person to cope with the difficult circumstances of life, while maintaining the optimal emotional background and the adequacy of behavior. Indicators of mental health of the individual are the desire to live in agreement with themselves, loved ones, friends and society as a whole, the ability to correctly set goals and seek them through the forecasting and modeling of events, the formulation of concrete steps.

7. Spiritual health is the state of well-being and awareness of the human being of the good and evil, the ability to self-perfection, show mercy, provide unselfish help, and create a favorable environment for a healthy lifestyle. Indicators of spiritual health of an individual are thoughts, possibilities, desires, qualities, degree of their implementation in accordance with the social situation.

8. Moral health is the state of moral well-being, that is, the awareness of the person of a set of characteristics in relation to the information, motivational and necessary basis of its life. Indicators of moral health of the individual is the positive moral direction of the individual, the measure of moral consciousness, the depth of thought and moral judgment, the description of real acts, the ability to follow the important rules of society, the fulfillment of the main duties.

9. Social health - a state of social well-being, that is, the characteristic of the interaction of man and society, the ability of human adoption of social norms and values ​​of this society. Indicators of social health of the individual are the relationship of the individual with the structural units of society (family, organizations), with which social relationships are created: labor, recreation, life, social protection, health care, safety of existence, etc.

10. Professional health is the state of professional well-being, that is, the ability of the body to maintain compensatory and protective mechanisms that ensure the ability to work in a professional environment. The indicators of professional health of the person are: high level of functioning of mechanisms of psychic self-regulation, high stability and low anxiety, low communicative tension and high communicative abilities, preservation of the orientation of observance of moral norms of behavior, despite significant psychological stresses.

On the basis of the characteristics of the main types of high-grade health, a conceptual decimation model of the creative management of the process of forming a full-fledged human health was created (Fig. 1).

From Fig. 1, it is evident that the first component of the conceptual decimal model is the term "management", which is chosen by the entity of the formation of health, consists of ten letters, and the object is a process of health management. Moreover, each of ten letters carries a direct administrative influence on the corresponding structural element of the process of formation of the main types of high-grade health, and the last, the tenth letter of the word "management" ends the process of managing health formation.


The second component is a decimal model of vital activity (the welcoming model) of the process of formation of high-grade health, which includes three stages: "beginning", "middle" and "ending" and consists of ten structural elements.

The third component is an optimized process of managing the formation of basic health, which is appropriately divided into ten structural elements, with the allocation of three consecutive stages according to the scheme: - the initial stage - one element 1 - physical health; middle stage - eight elements: 2 - physiological; 3 - financial health; 4 - mental health; 5 - sexual health; 6 - mental health; 7 - spiritual health; 8 - moral health; 9 - social health; the final stage: - one element: 10 - professional health.

Thus, the conceptual model of the creative management of the formation of high-grade health is a highly effective formation consisting of three subsystems: the term "management", the model of vital activity and the optimized process of management of the formation of the main types of health, which have ten structural elements and in aggregate provide realization of three-element administrative pouring on the formation of a system of high-grade health.

In the Conceptual Decimal Model of Creative Management, the process of forming a full-fledged human health involves elements of management science, as evidenced by the use of a number of basic scientific principles: 1. High-quality; 2. Hierarchy; 3. Well-being; 4. Sequences; 5.Following; 6. Processality; 7. Purposeful setting; 8. Vitality; 9. Attributability (triplets); 10. Management.

An important advantage of the Conceptual Decimal Model in front of all other administrative entities is that it provides management of the formation of a healthy health, through the sequential location of its individual species at the appropriate levels of the managerial ladder, from the first stage - physical health, consistently affecting eight other its kinds and ending with the highest, the tenth degree - the professional well-being of a person.

It should also be borne in mind that the Conceptual Decimal Model refers to the most complex systems for managing the formation of health, with the highest degree of full value - 10. Thus, the addition of any eleventh element of health to its structure, deprives its management.

This leads to the need to reduce the complexity of the Conceptual Decimal Model by reducing the number of types of good health. To address this issue, it should be borne in mind that mental and spiritual health are classified as "faith", moral and social - have common features and are characterized by a certain specificity, and sexual health is not fully full, because there is no pre-school children age and in most elderly people.

Removing from the Concept of the five types of high-grade health, although it reduces its value twice (from 10 to 5 elements), it also provides the possibility of the widest (comprehensive) use in societies with different religious, cultural and ideological traditions.

In the updated form, the concept of management of the formation of a full-fledged human health represents five components: physical, physiological, financial, mental and professional health.

To substantiate the feasibility of using the five mentioned components in the Concept, a theoretical synthesis of five-element systems of different nature was carried out and on this basis a number of universal systems were formed consisting of five elements:

  1. The physical component of high-grade health represents five parts of the human body: 1. Head, 2. Neck, 3. Trunk, 4. Sexual organ, 5. Noses, as well as five fingers: 1. Great ; 2. Indicative; 3 Average; 4. Nameless; 5 Mizenets and legs: 1. Great; 2. the second; 3. The third; 4. Fourth; 5. Mizinets. These elements are for every person, regardless of her age, sex, nationality, etc. This allows us to put it at the heart of the formation of a universal human full-fledged health system consisting of five elements.

2. The physiological component of high-grade health is represented by five types of products of plant and animal origin. In particular, products of plant origin: 1. Bread, cereal products; 2. Vegetables, fruits, berries. 3. Vegetable fats; 4. Sugar and sugary products; 5. Different types of mushrooms. Products of animal origin: 1. Meat and meat products; 2. Fish and fish products; 3. Fat animal; 4. Milk and dairy products; 5. Eggs and egg products. This allows it to be based on the formation of a universal human physiological health system consisting of five elements.

3. The financial component of high-grade health is represented by five functions and means of obtaining money. In particular, five functions of money: 1. Accumulation; 2. Turn; 3. Payment; 4. Exchange; 5 Oman (which usually occurs during the exchange). Five ways to make money: 1. Earn; 2. Take away (to steal or rob) 3. To ask; 4. To borrow; 5. Fake. This allows it to be based on the formation of a universal human financial system with five elements.

4. The psychological component of high-grade health represent the five senses of a person: 1. Vision; 2. Hearing; 3.Nyuh; 4. Taste; Touch. This allows it to be put into the basis of the formation of a universal human mental health system consisting of five elements.

5. The component of professional activity of high-grade health represents its five types: 1. Work; 2. Labor; 3.Gra; 4. Case; 5. Service. This allows it to be put into the basis of the formation of a universal professional high-grade health system consisting of five elements.

Taking into account the aforementioned, we propose a Concept for the formation of a full-fledged human health in the form of a five-element hierarchical system (Fig. 2.).


From Fig. 2. It can be seen that the first level of the hierarchical model of the management of the formation of a full-fledged human health is physical health, as the state of physical well-being of the human body, characterized by its functional readiness to perform basic activities, in particular professional ones. Physiological, financial and mental health are located respectively on the second, third and fourth levels of the five-element hierarchical model of high-grade health and their functions also consist in ensuring the ability of a person to work in the conditions of his professional activity.

The proposed Concept allows you to direct physical, physiological, financial and mental health into the activation of the very professional personality health as a higher level of professional well-being, which allows you to realize high professional abilities and qualities in the system of human life. As a result, the Concept of the management of the formation of high-quality health is a universal model, which is intended for use, both at the level of the individual and the society, in societies with different ideological traditions and religions.

Conclusions. The concept of management of the formation of a full-fledged human health is a universal, highly effective five-element management model of the hierarchical type consisting of physical, physiological, financial, mental and professional health, which have a comprehensive impact and provide effective management of the formation of full health and well-being of man in the conditions of any social environment.


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